

You are free to use the data available on this website. Please make sure you do the right citation of the DOI: “10.17882/85178

It is strongly recommended to contact the data provider (ie the lab that produced the data): please find the contact in the station page.

DATA USAGE/MODIFICATION/REDISTRIBUTION: All downloadable data on this web site is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 2.0 license.

Website and data management

The website and the data management are supported by Ifremer and Sorbonne Université, Station Biologique de Roscoff.

About the files

In each station folder, it is possible to download files in two tabular formats:

  • CSV files (.csv extension) where fields are separated with a semicolon (;). These files contain a single header line followed by a series of data lines.
  • ODV files (.txt extension) where fields are separated with a tab character. These files contain a header with SeaDataNet compliant metadata, followed by a line with column headers and units, and a series of data lines.

Files with different contents are provided:

  • Analyst files contain single taxon counts as the analyst identified it.
  • Phytobs files contain taxon name corresponding to PHYTOBS-Network groupings (as part of labellisation) : the best identification level for the whole PHYTOBS-Network.
  • Combined files aggregate the two previous files : it includes both levels of identification (single and group) with both countings

Files are encoded with Unicode (UTF-8) character set, so this encoding should be selected when opening files in your spreadsheet application to ensure all characters are correctly displayed (see here for importing these files in Excel).